The Ultimate Clickfunnels 2.0 Launchpad


I’m scared for the haters

I’m genuinely worried about the Clickfunnels 2.0 haters.

I think they’re neglectfully dismissing a major quick win and terrifyingly setting themselves up for long-term disaster.

How the haters are losing out on the quick win

The Clickfunnels 2.0 haters seem to be upset because the software is so far behind, because only a Phase 1 being released, or because they feel that the 2.0 features should have been available all along.

Here’s my stance: if you want to be angry about those things, be angry.

But, it’s pretty economically stupid to turn your back on a buzzing market — ripe with people ready to pay (and backed by the ad spend/promotion of a $1B company, along with all of their evangelists) — just because your feelings are hurt.

In simpler terms: there is money to be had and the angry people are refusing it.

In my eyes, this is blatant lack of common sense and a major loss of a quick win.

How the haters are shooting themselves in the foot long-term

The angry people who choose to ignore or shun the new launch of Clickfunnels 2.0 also have made a catastrophic error in misinterpreting what is actually happening.

  • A new software is launching? Sure, but that’s not the what’s actually happening.
  • A $1B company is shifting from one core offer to another? Sure, but that’s not what’s actually happening.
  • Hundreds of thousands of Clickfunnels 1.0 users are now faced with a decision to move or not? Sure, but again — that’s not what’s actually happening.

The point — and this is what the angry people are missing — is that the tide is shifting.

The tide is shifting

Markets shift constantly.

  • COVID-19 shifted the market.
  • The 2020 presidential elected shifted the market.
  • The new compatibility between Apple and Facebook shifted the market.
  • The war between Russia and Ukraine shifted the market.

In this particular case, the shift in the tide is due to a new software being released. And, just with all of the other shifts before, the emergence of Clickfunnels 2.0 is going to affect people’s buying behaviors, buying preferences, immediate wants and continuing needs.

And, the reality is that the people that succeed in business are those that know not only how to Read the tide but Ride the tide. In other words, can you anticipate where the market’s new direction is going and can you monetarily capitalize on it?

It’s important to understand that those refusing to acknowledge Clickfunnels 2.0 or those who are loudly disapproving of Clickfunnels 2.0 are simply slipping into a devastatingly catastrophic pattern: staying stagnant as the market changes.

Sure, maybe a new software launch won’t kill their business. But, the repetition of this behavior will eventually squander any business. If you don’t believe me, ask Blockbuster. Or Vine. Or Pier 1 Imports. Or Toys R Us.

Thus, my fear for the haters.

What is all boils down to is this: there’s been a major shift in the market and it’s your opportunity to capitalize on it.

And, with the right framework, this can be a simple, seamless and profitable process.

What you’ll find in this guide

Here’s what you’ll find in the rest of this guide:

Part 1: The 3 steps to survive any market shift
Part 2: The exact products I’d launch to capitalize on the CF 2.0 launch

▷Part 3: The 2-week schedule to make money with CF 2.0

▷Part 4: 4 ways to test these ideas for free

▷Part 5: The next things to do after reading this guide

▷BONUS: CF Design School 2.0 updates

Why you should listen to me

My name is Kathryn Jones. Back in 2018, I launched a product called CF Design School. Why? Because the tide of the market was shifting and there was a gaping hole in the market to be filled. That product has since gone on to do over $1M in sales.

It was not a fluke.

It was not luck.

It was a product that was launched by following a framework. And, that framework is what I’m going to teach you today.

Part 1: The 3-step ‘shifting market’ framework

In 1957, President Dwight D. Eisenhower said,

Plans are worthless, but planning is everything. The very definition of ‘emergency’ is that is is unexpected, therefore it is not going to happen the way you are planning.”

Thus it is with nearly every shift in the market.

You may have guesses or anticipations, but typically, everything happens unexpectedly.

Take the Clickfunnels 2.0 launch for example.

  • They announced Clickfunnels 2.0 in September 2021 at Funnel Hacking Live 2021.
  • They teased that a beta version of the software would be available in January 2022.
  • This did not happen.
  • The full version was announced to be available in March 2022.
  • This also did not happen.
  • Tiny updates were made available to beta users over the course of 10 months.
  • Then, with hardly any warning or pre-launch, Clickfunnels 2.0 was made available October.

Essentially, the software was entirely inaccessible until it wasn’t.

The only reason I had any indication the software launch was happening on October 4th was because:

  1. Clickfunnels had sent me material beforehand to become an affiliate for the software
  2. They asked me to speak alongside SharkTank Shark Daymond John at their big event launching the software

*Note: Though I originally accepted the speaking invitation, I am no longer speaking live. Pregnancy complications are kicking my butt and my body demanded I stay put. More on this later.

All to say, the emergence of Clickfunnels 2.0 did not go how anyone might have predicted.

But, with the right framework, you can shift with the market in real time (rather than needing months or years to prepare, something that is rarely afforded).

So, without further ado, here is the 3-step ‘shifting market’ framework:

  1. Read the tide
  2. Ride the tide
  3. Redirect the tide

Step 1: Read the tide

When you experience a shift in the market, the first thing you need to do is “read the tide.”

This is as simple as answering this question: “Do people want to be pushed toward pleasure or pulled away from pain?” In other words, did the shift in the market incite panic or excitement?

As a quick example, think back to when COVID-19 first really hit the United States in March of 2020. This was right about the time when Russell Brunson was launching his new book, Traffic Secrets.

As part of that launch, I interviewed him for an episode of my vlog.

Everyone knows that the greatest benefit of having any type of show (be it podcast, vlog, etc.) is that you essentially get free coaching from amazing people.

So, anticipating my 30 minutes with Russell, I thought, “What questions do I need answered to help my business right now?”

With COVID-19 having just hit, people started to really shift in their buying behaviors. They were slow to spend and more hoarder-ish with their resources as they were unable to anticipate what would happen next in the world. This resulted in the Facebook Ads for CF Design School royally tanking.

So, I asked Russell, “Traffic has become really unstable with the recent pandemic. How would you coach someone who’s ads, that were previously performing well, have since tanked?”

His response was awesome. He said,

People either want to be pushed toward pleasure or pulled away from pain.”

He continued by saying, “All of our Traffic Secrets ads were initially geared toward pushing them toward pleasure. Things like, ‘Start the business of your dreams!’ Or, ‘How to make money quick online!’ But, once the pandemic hit, we switched the positioning of all of our marketing to pull people away from pain. So, things like, ‘How to guarantee traffic regardless of what’s happening in the world’ or ‘How to keep your products selling when everyone is afraid to buy.’ Once we made those shifts, our launch has gone just as well as we were anticipating.”

I took that exact advice and applied it to my CF Design School ads.

I first recognized that every single one of my Facebook Ads were pushing people toward pleasure. I tweaked them all to instead pull people away from pain.

I lead with things like, “How to make money this weekend if you’ve been furloughed” or “The easy, ‘3-hour per week’ side hustle’ that will you build your savings by thousands every month.”

Within weeks, we had a 6x return on our ad spend.

After about 3-4 months, these “pull away from pain” ads started to dip in performance. We switched our marketing back to “push toward pleasure” and they started performing excellently once again.

Read the tide.

So, with the Clickfunnels 2.0 launch, the first thing you need to do is decide:

Because of this new software, do people want to be pushed toward pleasure or pulled away from pain? Or, did the introduction of Clickfunnels 2.0 incite excitement or panic in people?

The reality is that both can be true.

For some people, this is really exciting — they may finally be getting the features they’ve been desperately waiting for! For others, this is potentially threatening to their current business or skillset. Maybe they’re simply stressed about learning a new software.

Though both may be true, your responsibility is to decide what is most true for your audience.

For your current customer base, are they feeling primarily excited or more panicked?

Make the decision, read the tide, and then move onto the next step in the framework: Ride the tide.

Step 2: Ride the tide

After Reading the tide (toward pleasure or away from pain), you must next Ride the tide.

To do this, answer the question: “What do my customers think they need right now?”

Sometimes, as leaders of customer bases, we sometimes get stuck in giving people what they actually need and not what they want (don’t worry, if this is a skillset of yours, you’re in luck for the final step of the framework).

But, that’s like telling someone with low blood sugar that they need to start eating six small, nutritionally balanced meals per day…and then trying to sell them a meal plan.

Someone with low blood sugar does not care about your dumb meal plans!

They’re hungry and irritable and they need food now.

They don’t even care if it’s healthy or not. They just need immediate reprieve for the pain they’re feeling!

So, your job in Riding the tide is to alleviate their immediate want so that they can be in the headspace to accept what they actually need.

In other words, feed them a Snickers bar before you sell them the meal plan.

If people are more excited than panicked, it’s akin to a 6-year old on Christmas morning. There is nothing that will satiate his curiosity beside going downstairs to see what Santa Clause brought him. No amount of distraction will every convince him that any other alternative is better than the mystery downstairs.

So, before you can offer anything else, you have to satisfy your customer’s Santa Clause-esk curiosity.

An awesome real-world example of this comes from Katie Richardson.

Katie has been featured on The Ellen Degeneres Show, ABC, NBC, The Today Show and has been on the cover of Entrepreneur Magazine for her multi-million baby product business (that she has since sold).

She now is a business coach that helps “driven CEOs step into their power and 2x their profit in 90 days without sacrificing family, faith or health.”

Well, if you have any money in the stock market, you know that it’s not doing so well. Companies seem to be trending lower and lower and many experts say we’re heading toward another recession.

So, what did Katie do?

She first Read the tide.

People do not want to experience the pain of the 2008 recession again. They’re afraid of it. So, people want to be pulled away from pain.

She then moved on to the second step of Ride the tide.

She is giving her audience what they think they need: an entire podcast series on how to “recession-proof” their business.

This feels like such an immediate need for people with the trending market.

Now, Katie knows that what they actually need is something more along the lines of a “meal plan,” or, as she would put it, CEOs need to “step into their power.”

But, selling “step into your power” when someone is metaphorically hangry (and not-metaphorically panicked about a recession) is not going to land well.

Katie has found great success serving people where they’re at — AKA Ride the tide — to set herself up for the final step of the framework: Redirect the tide.

Step 3: Redirect the tide

The final step is to Redirect the tide.

This is where you now, after having soothed everyone’s immediate fears (or excitement), help people get what they actually need.

The Ride the tide step is simply a means to start the conversation where you sell your customers the product that will, with more long-lasting affects, actually solve their pain.

As mentioned previously, I sell a course called CF Design School that shows people how to design their website or funnel in a way that will actually make them money.

This serves as my answer to Ride the tide: people’s immediate needs are to 1) make money fast and 2) not look dumb. And, the design frameworks taught in CF Design School help them do both.

Because I’m loud about solving this problem, more affluent business owners will come to me and ask for customized help.

One such person was a woman who came to me wanting “branding help.”

Per her explanation, that meant a new logo, a new website and a new “social media feel.”

After talking to her, what she really wanted was predictability in her business, which included solid offers, strategic marketing and automated follow-up systems.

What started as a “new logo” project turned into a $92K deal.

The initial Ride the tide offer was the conversation piece that led to Redirect the tide offer.

  1. Read the tide: toward pleasure or away from pain
  2. Ride the tide: give people what they think they need (i.e. the Snickers bar)
  3. Redirect the tide: give people what they actually need (i.e. the meal plan)

Part 2: The exact products & offers I’d launch to capitalize on the Clickfunnels 2.0 launch

Alright, let’s go through this framework together considering the Clickfunnels 2.0 launch.

There are two types of business owners, with a few sub examples, I’ll cover as we go through this example.

  • The Freelancer: someone who offers their services to work on other people’s businesses
    • Sub-category 1: The Funnel Designer
    • Sub-category 2: The Marketing Strategist
    • Sub-category 3: The Tech Guru

  • The Educator: someone who sells their knowledge/coaching to help other people
    • Sub-category 1: The Industry Expert
    • Sub-category 2: The Spotlighter
    • Sub-category 3: The Leader

The Freelancers

Here is how I’d approach the Clickfunnels 2.0 launch if I were each of the three types of Freelancers.

  • Funnel Designer
    • This is you if: you specialize in building and designing funnels optimized for conversions
    • Product I’d sell: Funnel Migration Services
    • Why I’d sell this: you literally get paid to learn the new Clickfunnels 2.0 software

If you’re a Funnel Designer, especially if trained in Clickfunnels, you’ll eventually need to learn the software. Well, you might as well get paid to do it.

Due to how differently Clickfunnels 1.0 and Clickfunnels 2.0 are coded, you cannot transfer funnels from one software to the other. So, if people are wanting to migrate to the new software, they’ll have to do it manually.

This can be a hassle, to say the least.

So, Read the tide: pull people away from pain. Ride the tide: help people migrate now.

Daniel Barbosa, a funnel designer, excellently executed this with his simple Funnel Migration offer on Facebook.

If you want to learn the universal framework for moving a design from one software to another, check out CF Design School.

  • The Marketing Strategist
    • This is you if: you don’t necessarily build funnels but map out the strategy to execute a funnel-based business
    • Product I’d sell: Customized Game Plan
    • Why I’d sell this: people don’t want to do the research to see how a new software would help them, but they certainly don’t want to be left behind. Show people what’s possible for them (and what current business opportunities they’re missing out on) by migrating over to 2.0.

If you want to learn how to sell Customized Game Plans that result in 5-figure deals, check out my program Scale It.

  • The Tech Guru
    • This is you if: you thrive on all things domains, integrations and backend
    • Product I’d sell: partnerships with Funnel Builders and Marketing Strategists
    • Why I’d sell this: I would immediately start making build partnerships (official or unofficial) with Funnel Builders. They want to build the funnels but, after having produced over 1,000 Design Hackers, let me tell you that a majority of us hate the tech part. But, if they can offer tech as part of their bundle while outsourcing it to you, it would be a huge asset. The same is true of the Marketing Strategists. Once they sell someone on the plan, they’ll need people to execute it. Be that person.

If you’re looking for information on more structured Joint Venture partnerships, click here to learn more.

The Educators

Here is how I’d approach the Clickfunnels 2.0 launch if I were each of the three types of Educators.

  • The Industry Expert
    • This is you if: you want to be considered the go-to in all things market shift (i.e. Clickfunnels 2.0)
    • Product I’d sell: nothing…yet
    • Why: I know this may sound crazy, but Clickfunnels 2.0 is so new that it may take some time to build up authority for this (unless you already have authority that carries over from Clickfunnels 1.0). But, if you want to use this shift in the market to break into the space, I suggest following Steve Larsen’s advice when he said something to the effect of, “The people who are considered experts are those who are loudest about the problem, not necessarily the solution.” Focus on building a potential customer base and then build for them what they ask for.

Andrea Peer and Susan Leonardson jumped on this opportunity over a year ago when they created the Facebook Group, “CF 2.0 Geek Out.”

Every Friday they’ve gone live to talk about new updates, anticipated changes, and — now that the Clickfunnels 2.0 is actually out — they’re going through the nuances of the software. They’ve established themselves as experts long before the software was ever launched simply because they’ve been the loudest about the new software.

They now have a growing group of hundreds of people that can instruct them on the products they actually want in regards to this market shift.

  • The Spotlighter
    • This is you if: the market shift (i.e. Clickfunnels 2.0) would be helpful but not necessary for your audience
    • Product I’d sell: someone else’s
    • Why: if Clickfunnels 2.0 doesn’t directly impact your audience, though it could be significantly helpful (or the next step that people need after you), I would not waste my time becoming an expert in something outside of your genius. Instead, I would partner with someone who already is selling the product your people need.

For example, CF Design School’s frameworks are compatible with any funnel or website building software, including Clickfunnels 2.0. So, partnering with me (cough cough) in an official Joint Venture and putting a spotlight on my product paints you as a real advocate for the people in your group as you’re anticipating their next needs.

If you’re wondering how to set up 6-figure Joint Venture partnerships, learn more here.

  • The Leader
    • This is you if: the people you lead are directly affected by the market shift (i.e. Clickfunnels 2.0)
    • Product I’d sell: a “Bridge Product”
    • Why: if your people are dependent on knowing how to navigate the new market shift, build a “Bridge Product” that will help them do so. Highlight the things that they need to bridge the gap between what they currently know to what they need to know with the new market shift. This “Bridge Product” could be sold as stand alone product, a simple upsell or even positioned as a free workshop that could then upsell into affiliate sales for Clickfunnels 2.0, for example.

Part 3: The 2-week schedule I’d follow to make money with Clickfunnels 2.0

Whether you fall into the Freelancer or Educator category, I’d follow the same 2-week schedule to make money with Clickfunnels 2.0.

Day 1: Read the tide

Assess how your current audience might be feeling about the Clickfunnels 2.0 launch. Did the introduction of this software incite more excitement or panic?

Like mentioned before, the answer can sometimes be both. So, one this first day, I suggest brainstorming and then categorizing (into Excitement or Panic) the potential thoughts your audience might be experiencing.

For example:


  • “There are so many new customers flooding the market! I want to capture them!”
  • “This software is so much easier to sell to my potential clients than Clickfunnels 1.0!”
  • “I can charge so much more as a pioneer expert in this field!”


  • “What if I don’t learn how to build in Clickfunnels 2.0?”
  • “How long will it take me to learn Clickfunnels 2.0? Will I have the time?”
  • “Is my current funnel building business void if I have only ever built in Clickfunnels 1.0?”

Continue brainstorming until there is a clear winner: do more prominent “excitement feelings” come forward or more “panic feelings?”

If you’re unsure (and this may be the approach to take in the first place), simply ask your audience. They’ll tell you how they’re feeling.

Day 2: Read the tide

Answer the question, “What does my audience immediately want?”

Based on the stories going on in their heads above, what could you offer that would ease their pain the fastest?

Use today to craft out a product or establish a partnership that you could offer tomorrow, Day 3.

This might mean that your offering is more beta or consists of live trainings. No problem. We just need to get everyone’s blood sugar regulated and Santa Clause seen so they can leave their state of panic or come down off of an over-excited high.

Whatever your offer, ensure that there is an upsell to your Redirect the tide offer (whatever it is that will actually help them long-term; this is usually what you already sell).

Day 3-14: Loudly and immediately sell your Ride the tide offer

Get the information out about your new product or offering out as quickly and thoroughly as possible.

Wherever your audience is located, contact and sell them.

And, do it over and over and over again.

After you initial pitch on Day 3, use the “Excitement” or “Panic” stories you crafted on Day 1 as new headlines for your emails headlines, social media titles, etc. for your content on Days 4-14.

That way, even though you’re promoting the same thing, it feels as if you’re comprehensively addressing the market shift with new content rather than annoyingly selling the same thing over and over again.

Ensure that you upsell to your Redirect the tide offer with every Ride the tide offer you sell.

Part 4: 4 ways to test these ideas for free

If you’re uncertain if the Read, Ride & Redirect the tide framework will work for you, here are 4 ways to test it for free.

  • The Scarcity Post
    • This works great for both The Freelancer and The Educator
    • This is the easiest method of all. It simply includes letting the world know about your offer and fielding the responses. This is what Daniel did above. He let people know he had Funnel Migration Services but also that he was only accepting five clients. If people bite then, great! You have clients. If not, you know your Ride the tide offer needs some tweaking.

  • The Over-My-Shoulder Opportunity
    • This works great for The Educator
    • Present this opportunity for free. Allow people to watch you do a version of what you’ll do in your Ride the tide offer. Don’t show them everything, but enough that they are certain you can get them the results they seek. For example, you may offer a 5-step solution. Provide an “over-the-shoulder” opportunity for Steps 1 and 2. Then, at the end, make a soft pitch to get access to the recordings and follow along for Steps 3-5. Make sure to inform them that Steps 3-5 are only for those that are serious about getting results.

  • The Current Customer Upsell
    • This works great for The Freelancer
    • This is where you can make a very stripped Customized Game Plan to show current customers the tangible benefits available to them by making the shift to this new opportunity (i.e. Clickfunnels 2.0). Present this idea to them in a condensed 1-page document and ask if they would like to move forward with a quick discussion via Zoom. Then, upsell your services.

If you’re unsure how to do this, check out my Scale It program.

  • The ‘Only Offering If X Join’ Promotion
    • This works particularly well for The Educator
    • Mention your Ride the tide offer but say that you will only make it if x amount of people join. Say that the early joiners will get it at a significant discount (i.e. 50%). Let the offer stay up for 3-4 days and promote it across all of your channels. Be sure to inform them that your intention is to simply give them what they want. So, if your audience doesn’t want it, tell them not to bother. But, if your audience really wants it, tell them to opt-in because if not, the product will never be made. This way, you only create a product that people have already paid for.

Part 5: The next immediate things to do after reading this guide

The path from here is actually quite simple.

Step 1: Learn and understand the Clickfunnels 2.0 software

This is an essential step in helping you accurately Read the tide.

Therefore, I recommend:

For Freelancers and Educators

  • Join the “Your First Funnel” challenge happening October 10-14, 2022
    • Clickfunnels will be walking you through Clickfunnels 2.0
    • Make sure to take advantage of the VIP offer where you get a free 30-day trial of Clickfunnels 2.0

Step 2: Create an immediate offer

To Ride the tide, you need to give the overly-excited or overly-panicked people immediate remedy to their current state.

Therefore, I recommend:

For Freelancers

  • Offering Funnel Design or Funnel Migration Services. For help, check out CF Design School.
  • Offering a Customized Game Plan for how to leverage Clickfunnels 2.0 to your current clients. For help, check out Scale It.

For Educators

  • Partnering with people who can provide the immediate solution your people desire. For help, check out my Plug-In JV System.

Step 3: Offer your people what they actually need

To Redirect the tide, have your high-ticket or core offer ready.

Therefore, I recommend:

For Freelancers

  • Cementing your process for successfully booking high ticket clients. Again, if you need help, my program Scale It shows you my proven process for landing $10K to $92K clients

For Educators

  • Either partner with people who can provide the right solution or figure out how to get your own product in front of new audiences. For help, check out my Plug-In JV System.

Above all else

Regardless of the path you choose, getting your feet wet with Clickfunnels 2.0 is the first place to start. So, join the “Your First Funnel” challenge.

It’s free and you’ll get a real taste for what this new software is all about.

BONUS: CF Design School 2.0 updates

If you’ve been a part of my audience for the last year, you’ve probably seen this image floating around my Facebook Groups.

The ever-ominous “Coming Soon” has lasted for far longer than anyone, myself included, could have anticipated.

So, here are some answers to many of the questions that have been asked of me over the past few months (and the potential start of new inquiries).

Is CF Design School 2.0 ready?


Why not?

Because it only kind of exists.

What do you mean?

When CF Design School 2.0 was originally conceptualized, it was going to retain 90% of its original structure and simply include a few updates to coincide with the Clickfunnels 2.0 launch.

But, two things happened that altered the course of CF Design School 2.0 entirely.

  1. First, Clickfunnels 2.0 software release was majorly delayed. This meant that, based on my initial plan of what CF Design School 2.0 was to be, the entire project was delayed. I couldn’t launch CF Design School 2.0 without Clickfunnels 2.0.
  2. Second, I was completely bedridden for 3 months and have been pretty inconsistently functioning for the five months following.

Here’s what happened:

  • My husband and I got pregnant earlier this year (legit, we were so hyped about this)
  • We blissfully celebrated our pregnancy for about 6 days
  • Only to be completely blindsided a violent case of morning sickness wiped me out entirely for the next 3 months
  • Which left me incapable, at most times, to even look at a screen without throwing up

Since then, we’ve been battling an ever-present, albeit more manageable, case of nausea. Pregnancy is no joke.

Well, during this fluctuating time of capacity, I’ve had a few options:

  1. Feel sorry for myself
  2. Try to muster any level of productivity

Most times, that “productivity” was simply me thinking about you guys — my audience. I thought about what you were working toward, why you first opted into follow me in the first place. I tried to anticipate and make connections between what it was that you wanted and actually needed.

And, here’s what the conclusion was: you don’t need CF Design School 2.0. At least not the way it was originally intended to be.

You guys, along with the hundreds of thousands of other wandering, aspiring online business owners, deserve something much more than that. What the world needs (and the shifting market is demanding) is a universal, non-software specific, extremely high-level and comprehensive design program.

All delivered step-by-step through Design Hacking.

I won’t say more but know that a new “school” is a-brewing.

But, what was once thought to be CF Design School 2.0 will no longer come to fruition. A much more exciting and impactful solution is in the works.

So, when will it be ready?

Constant nausea and a new baby next month lead me to answer this question with “not soon.” The last 8 months have taught me that sometimes, there are seasons of your life where you take things day by day (and many times, hour by hour). And that there are periods where any semblance of a plan is almost laughable due to the uncontrollable inconsistencies that abound. Who knew a person could throw up so much?!

All in all, the answer is, “not soon.” In the works, but not soon.

What should our next steps be?

Here’s what you should do in the meantime.

  1. If you want to start a profitable funnel design business, CF Design School 1.0 — as it currently exists — is an extraordinary tool. The Design Hacking training has been viewed by tens of thousands of people and over 1,000 have capitalized on the opportunity to create a business out of it. As always, the frameworks in CF Design School work for any software. So, with Clickfunnels 2.0 coming out, you are just as equipped to get the same incredible results. Many people that go through this course take our “Money By The Weekend” challenge and succeed. If you’re interested in learning more, click here.
  2. If you already have a freelancing business (whether funnel design, marketing strategy, tech, etc.) and are ready to make more by working less, then listen up. My program Scale It shows you how to book 5-figure clients, level up your clientele, and free yourself of the chains of needy, low-paying clients so you can work with less, high-paying clients. Learn more by clicking here.

“If I’m already in CF Design School, will I get access to this new ‘school’ for free?

No. Originally, with the minor changes that CF Design School was going to go through, CF Design School 2.0 was simply going to be updated inside of everyone’s accounts.

Now that an entirely separate program is in the works to be made (again, you’ll see more later), it will only be able to be accessed by an additional investment. But, due to the intense nature of the program, many will find that this is not the path or program they want to take. That’s intentional. This next program is for the very elite.

That being said, current CF Design School students will be granted a steep discount at its launch time. All to say — don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.

Are you offering any type of Clickfunnels 2.0 training?

No. Clickfunnels is already rocking that with the “Build Your First Funnel” challenge so I’ll leave that to them. Learn the software, apply the Design Hacking frameworks from CF Design School and you’ll be set to go.

Final words

Don’t get so caught up in the buzz of the Clickfunnels 2.0 launch that you forget what is actually happening. The tide is shifting; the market is changing.

It’s now your responsibility to Read the tide, Ride the tide and Redirect the tide to not only leverage the market shift but protect your business from the potential vulnerabilities that the shift could expose in your current systems.

But most importantly, this 3-step framework ensures you take care of your people. They may not have the words but they feel the tide shift. It’s your job to navigate them through it.

Good luck and LESGO,


I’ll help you start your business, scale your business and do it all through step-by-step systems.

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4 Responses
  1. Vince

    The smart money will sail the tide with leaders.
    Sail with Kathryn.
    She’s one of the 5 everyone should sail with.

    Great insights on the future for us all … haters included.

    Cheers and Blessings

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